Residential Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

Medium Intensity Residential Treatment

Designed for those who have completed detoxification and need a highly structured treatment environment to stay on the path to sobriety. 

  • 24/7 clinically managed care and support
  • Daily intensive individual and group counseling sessions
  • Ongoing case management for housing, employment, transportation and other wraparound services.
  • Specialized services for those who may require a more complex, time-intensive approach to care.

What To Expect

Each day starts at 8:30 a.m. with a lecture that serves as the focus for treatment that day. The remainder of the day is devoted to small group therapy, case management, social skill development, social learning, individual sessions and self-help meetings. Each day also includes snack and meal times and leisure breaks. The treatment day concludes at 8:00 p.m.

Contact Us

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